TaskFlow Microsoft Calendar - User Setup
This document will guide the standard user through the process of linking their Microsoft Outlook Calendar to TasFlow so that they can synchronize their calendar directly into TaskFlow.
The user must know what their UPN is, a UPN is a user principal name which is the email address assigned to you by Microsoft.
Example: simon@mycompany.co.za
A manager should have already set up the Azure portal application registration to allow TaskFlow to fetch the required information from Microsoft.
Step Summary
Log into TaskFlow
Navigate to the Calendar application
Click “Sync with Outlook”
Enter your User Principal Name
Click “Sync with Outlook” to fetch the emails
Detailed Stats
Log into TaskFlow
Navigate to the Calendar application
Click the “Sync with Outlook” button
There are 3 scenarios when clicking the Sync with Outlook button:
Scenario 1:
You are requested to configure the Outlook Organization defaults. This is due to the fact TaskFlow has not been linked to your Organizations Microsft Azure account yet. In this case you need to contact your Manager so that they can arrange with TaskFlow to set up the account.Scenario 2:
You are requested to set up your User Principal Name, this will redirect you to a view in which you will need to input your User Principal Name as seen below:
Once you have entered your UPN you can click Save and click the “Sync With Outlook” button again which will redirect you to the Microsoft Azure confirmation page as seen below
Enter your User Principal Name
Click “Sync with Outlook” to fethc the emails