Account Setup
This tutorial will show you how to connect your Mailgun account to TaskFlow to allow you to send and receive emails using mailgun.
Getting Connected
To get connected you will need access to TaskFlow and to your Mailgun account found here:
Install the
Create a mailgun account of your choice
Log into your account
Steps to get connected
1. Navigate to the ‘General Settings’ dashboard
2. Scroll down to the “Mailgun Integration” section
3. This portion requires the account details of your main domain in mailgun. You will need to obtain the following information:
Main API Key:
Navigate to your profile in Mailgun on the top left and click on API Keys:
Click on the eye of the “Private API Key” to view the full key and copy it
Store the API Key in TaskFlow as seen below:
Should you wish to, in the same section add your office static IP Address as seen below:
Make sure you read the Warning above
SMTP User: This will always be “api”
SMTP Password:
Navigate to “Sending” and then “Domain Settings”
Choose your main domain
Click on “SMTP Credentials” and click “Reset Password” to set the password
Enter the new password in TaskFlow as seen below:
Base Url of choice
This will either be a US account if you are based in USA or the EU account if you are based in Europe.
Domain Name
The domain will be your main domain with “postmaster” as a prefix, as seen below:
Click the “Validate” button once you have entered all the information, if your account details are valid you will notice that the checkbox will be selected.