Reset User Password
Reset User Password
- A user cannot log in because they forgot their password
- As a manager, I would like to reset a user's password
- Your users make use of email addresses as their usernames:
Try the following steps:
- Go to the Settings application → Users → Click on a user
- Click on the "Send an invitation email"
- An email will be sent to the user. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the provided link and send that to the user.
- Your company does not make use of email address as their username
Try the following steps:
- Go to the Settings application → Users → Click on a user
- Click on Actions → Change Password
- The following window will open:
- Enter the new password into the "New Password" field. Remember to copy it for the next step
- Click on the "Change Password" button
- Send the user the password that has been changed via a secure channel, e.g. verbally or WhatsApp
Contact Support
If none of the solutions solved your issue, please contact us on support@taskflow.co.za and provide us with as much information as possible. Also indicate to us through which articles you have gone through in the troubleshooting guide.
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