TaskSuite - Deal Webhook Integration

TaskSuite - Deal Webhook Integration

This documentation is a quick guide for brokers who wish to integrate with TaskSuite.

During the setup process, your team will be provided with a URL, an apiId and an apiKey. These credentials will allow you to interface with the system.

There are two endpoints: One to send deal data and one to check on the status of a deal.


1 - New Deal Endpoint /deal/new:

Make a POST request to URL/deal/new, with the following json object:

{ "apiId": "", "apiKey": "", "dealDetails": { "requestedAmount": 0, "bankStatements": [ { "fileName": "", "description": "", "data": "" } ], "applicationForm": { "fileName": "", "description": "", "data": "" }, "additionalDocuments": [ { "fileName": "", "description": "", "data": "" } ] }, "primaryOwner": { "ssn": "", "firstName": "", "lastName": "", "dob": "", "phone": "", "mobile": "", "email": "", "ficoScore": 0, "street": "", "street2": "", "street3": "", "city": "", "state": "", "country": "", "zip": "", "ownershipPercentage": 0 }, "additionalOwners": [ { "ssn": "", "firstName": "", "lastName": "", "dob": "", "phone": "", "mobile": "", "email": "", "ficoScore": 0, "street": "", "street2": "", "street3": "", "city": "", "state": "", "country": "", "zip": "", "ownershipPercentage": 0 } ], "bankAccounts": [ { "institution": "", "accountNumber": "", "accountType": "", "routingNumber": "", "accountOwner": "" } ], "businessDetails": { "businessName": "", "dba": "", "tin": "", "phone": "", "street": "", "street2": "", "street3": "", "city": "", "state": "", "country": "", "zip": "", "annualRevenue": 0, "annualProfits": 0, "avgMonthlyRevenue": 0, "grossProfitPercentage": 0, "avgMonthlyExpenses": 0, "avgDepositAmount": 0, "yearsSinceBankruptcy": 0, "dateFounded": "", "nonProfit": "", "industry": "" }, }

The following keys are required:

  • main object:

    • apiId,string

    • apiKey, string

  • dealDetails object:

    • requestedAmount, integer

    • bankStatements, array of objects, one for each bank statement

      • data, binary (base64), PDF file

  • primaryOwner object:

    • ssn, string

    • firstName, string

    • lastName, string

    • dob, string

    • phone, string

    • email, string

    • street, string

    • city, string

    • state, string

    • zip, string

  • businessDetails object:

    • businessName, string

    • dba, string

    • tin, string

    • phone, string

    • street, string

    • city, string

    • state, string

    • zip, string

    • annualRevenue, string

    • annualProfits, string

    • avgMonthlyRevenue, string

    • grossProfitPercentage, string

    • avgMonthlyExpenses, string

    • avgDepositAmount, string

    • yearsSinceBankruptcy, string

    • dateFounded, string


2 - Deal Status Endpoint /deal/status:

Make a POST request to URL/deal/status, with the following json object:

{ "apiId": "", "apiKey": "", "dealUid": 0 }

The following keys are required:

  • apiId, string

  • apiKey, string

  • dealUid, integer


For questions regarding this integration, please email support@tasksuite.com.

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