Todays Capital: Scoring

Todays Capital: Scoring

A basic overview of data capturing required for Scoring Model to function


  1. Navigate to Contacts

  2. Create contact on the system with relevant details

    1. Please ensure the fields in the Business Details tab is populated as its required for scoring

    2. Please ensure Credit Scores are populated for the company and related Contacts as its required for scoring


    3. Ensure that the company has an Industry selected and the industry has a Global Gross Profit % set


  3. Click Configuration > Bank Accounts > Bank Accounts to create a bank account

  4. Upload relevant bank statements under the Bank Statements tab

    1. Ensure the statements are in xlsx format

    2. Press “Process” after saving


  5. Take note of the number of imported transactions in the system

  6. Open the Todays Capital Scoring App

  7. Create a new record

    1. Link the relevant Company

    2. Link the relevant Lead (for now it can be anything)

    3. Link the relevant Bank account

    4. Ensure you populate the required fields

      1. Credit Card Keywords

      2. Overdraft Amount (if necessary)

      3. Fixed Overhead Cost %

      4. Term

      5. Markup %

      6. Admin Cost

  8. Click “Save“ when you are done populating the record

  9. From this point, you can click top right buttons to begin the scoring process

    1. Bank Analysis - equivalent to the Bank Analysis tab on the Excel Document

    2. Quantum Calculation - equivalent to the Input Sheet tab on the Excel Document

    3. Risk Scoring equivalent - to the Risk Scoring tabs on the Excel Document

    4. Quote - equivalent to the Quote Sheet tab on the Excel Document

  10. Please note that while processing the different stages the system may go into the “Error” stage

    1. A possible cause could be an invalid input

    2. Please contact support should this occur