Problem during WebRTC connection

Problem during WebRTC connection


Upon logging into TaskFlow, a message is displayed that reads "Problem during WebRTC connection..."


The message is displayed to inform you that you will not be able to make or receive calls, since the browser does not have permission to access your computer's microphone. Google Chrome users may experience this issue because the default audio device does not update by default. This needs to be done manually by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the Chrome menu on the top right. (Depicted by three vertical dots)
  2. Click Settings

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the settings page and click on the "Advanced" drop down

  4. Under the "Privacy and security" category click on "Content Settings"

  5. Scroll down until you find the "Microphone" option

  6. Once you have clicked on the "Microphone" option you will be provided with a bunch of settings that you can change

  7. The first setting will be a drop down in which you can select the desired device to be used

Contact Support

If none of the solutions solved your issue, please contact us on support@taskflow.co.za and provide us with as much information as possible. Also indicate to us through which articles you have gone through in the troubleshooting guide.