Activating debug mode


By activating debug mode, hidden content and tools become visible to users. Debug mode is used by administrators to configure TaskFlow but for normal users, debug mode is useful to ensure that all of the browser's cache is cleared.

Debug mode using a URL

Follow the steps below
  1. Log into TaskFlow using your normal user
  2. Type the following in your browser address bar:
  3. Replace the word "demo" with the name of your server instance

Debug mode using the UI (Version 2.x)

Follow the steps below
  1. Navigate to the Settings Dashboard and click on Debug Mode

Debug mode using the UI (Version 1.x)

Follow the steps below
  1. Click on About

  2. Click on Debug Mode

Contact Support

If none of the solutions solved your issue, please contact us on and provide us with as much information as possible. Also indicate to us through which articles you have gone through in the troubleshooting guide.