Backd E-sign Changelog (11/20/2023)

Backd E-sign Changelog (11/20/2023)

Information from the Lead/Opportunity can now be pulled in using the indicated formatting:

Most importantly, this allows us to provide the opportunity name in emails, making it easier to understand what Opportunity that document refers to:

All of the existing, in-production documents' titles are formatted as: {Opportunity name} - {E-sign document name}.


An action will execute upon creating a signature request that will log it to the Opportunity’s mail thread:


Recipients can now be added in a similar way to signers. You can either select a user, upon which the name and email will be populated for you. Or, you can input the name and email manually. Selected users will receive notifications from their TaskFlow instance informing them of events happening on the signature request.


From the employees module, an employee can be marked as a member of the compliance team. Once everyone but Xan has signed the document, these employees will receive an email with a link to the signed document.

The URL is also available on the signature request’s form view:


A few improvements were also made to the signature request views:

Signers now show whether or not the person has signed yet.
“Signature Events” renamed to just “Events”. Sorted by date in descending order.


And finally, final documents are no longer saved as .zip files but as uncompressed .pdf files instead:


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